About Our Church

Take a tour of the newly remodeled St. Brendan Church as we celebrate our 60th Anniversary
Thank you to Seminarian Cameron Ferrell for gathering the information.


This newly installed Altar is adorned with the image of the Paschal Lamb, symbolizing Christ’s sacrifice that is celebrated at this altar during every Eucharistic celebration.
Click More+ to view the Video of the Altar Dedication Mass Celebrated by Bishop Michael Woost and Bishop Woost's slide deck of an explanation of the dedication process.
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Placed in the sanctuary, this tabernacle containing the real presence of Jesus Christ welcomes all who enter through Saint Brendan. The word ‘Sanctus’ is repeated on the top of the tabernacle. Sanctus is the Greek word for ‘Holy’. Emphasizing the beautiful gift this tabernacle holds as it is guarded by two angels adorning the doors.


The crucifix commissioned by a Cleveland area sculptor, Borbert Koehler, offers a beautiful reminder of Christ’s love and sacrifice as we pray and celebrate the sacraments.


This newly installed ambo is where the Word of God is proclaimed at every liturgy. Before the celebration of the Eucharist at the altar, we celebrate Christ’s presence in the Gospels from the ambo, where we allow Christ’s time on earth to affect our lives today.

Baptismal Font

This baptismal font recalls our death to sin and our new life in Christ. We celebrate the baptism of many throughout the liturgical year, and welcomes many into the Church.

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Saint Brendan Stain Glass Window

Ever since this newest church has been established, this beautiful stain glass depiction of Saint Brendan has marked the entrance of the Church. The image depicts St Brendan leading his voyage to the new world. This Irish Saint has been a guide and inspiration for the parishioners here as we all come to know and experience Christ’s love and mission.

Windows of Faith

To prepare for our 60th Anniversary being celebrated in 2024, the main church windows have been refurbished. The five year project has been named “Windows of Faith” because now our church windows will make an artistic statement of faith. Out of the sixteen windows in the church, ten of them will display images of saints. The Communion of Saints in our Catholic Tradition is an artistic treasure of holy, sacred lives who have, in their own way, given a complete “YES” to God. The ways in which they did this had everything to do with their times. When  the  noise  and  din  of  the  world overwhelmed,  some  of  these  men  and  women pushed  against  their  times by  retreating  into  solitude  and  silence.  In  time  they  were much sought out for their advice and wisdom. When the poor and the neglected were viewed more as a nuisance and a scourge, holy men and women came forward and took to heart that God would raise up the lowly and so these saints dedicated their lives to promote human dignity. When the culture took up other gods such as pleasure, wealth, power,  prestige, saints  rose  up  to  live  the  radical  call  of  the Gospels,  the  call  of discipleship which is the call to sacrifice and even to suffer in order to will the good of others. In dangerous times, oppressive times, not so distant times of threats to religious freedom and basic human rights, saints came forward to lay down their lives and die for the faith so many take for granted today. 

St. Brendan Parish

4242 Brendan Lane
North Olmsted, Ohio 44070
P: 440-777-7222 | F: 440-799-7997
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