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Read the latest message on Holy Week from Fr. Don Oleksiak here

Greetings, everyone.

As I am certain you’ve probably heard by now, the governor has extended the stay-at-home order which means that we will not be able to have publicly celebrated Mass for quite some time. I ask that you would continue to remain hopeful and confident that God does not abandon us in this time, that he is with us, sustains us and loves us and that you are dedicating yourself to prayer and living safely and healthy and trying to adhere to the stay-at-home order and the social distancing.

As you also are aware, we are about to enter into the holiest week of the Church. No doubt with the restrictions due to the coronavirus, this coming Holy Week will be quite different from others we’ve experienced.

As we begin our journey through the moving sacramental celebrations of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday this year, we keep in mind that what we begin in sorrow ends in great joy.

As Holy Week unfolds, let us remember that the Easter triduum remains for us the summit of our liturgical year and the high point of our lives as followers of Christ. Pope Francis reminds us that “The Gospel message that Jesus died for our sins and rose to new life is a source of joy and hope for the whole world.”

Please know that the sacramental celebrations of Holy Week will be broadcast live online from the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist and available for viewing on demand. Please check the diocesan website for broadcast times and website links. Also, check with your parish and consult your parish website to get information about online services offered at many parishes throughout the diocese.

As we begin the sacred triduum, I pray that God may grant us the grace to encounter Christ by joining our sufferings to his so that we may also rise with him to a new life on Easter.

Thank you for your prayers. Know that you and you and your family remain in my prayers. God bless you.